My Top YA Speculative Fiction Picks

Loved being a part of the Cybils!  There were so many great nominated books this year--205 to be exact.  It was really hard being able to whittle that list down to the top 7 books.

Link to our finalists!

I thought I'd share some books, that didn't make the finalist list, that I loved.

1. Really enjoyed this diverse fantasy that mingles Korean mythology throughout!


Loved this novel with a circus backdrop. Add a paranormal element and I was hooked!


This one is beautifully written about a girl born with wings. The surrealism woven throughout had a CHOCOLAT feel. Loved.


This one took the usual dystopian premise and gives readers a heroine of mixed birth whose whole world comes crashing down when a disaster hits. The twist at the end on what causes the disaster is an added plus.

5 & 6

You all know how much I love short stories!  And both of these deliver!  Some great tales of the paranormal in GRIM and monster tales in MONSTROUS AFFECTIONS

7.  Loved this unique twist on PHANTOM OF THE OPERA with a diverse cast.

8.  I really loved this paranormal that is a YA-HANDMAIDEN'S TALE


Yet another dystopia that I really enjoyed.  This one is about 'girls' that are sold to the highest bidder in a chilling future.


Loved the audio version of this twist on Beauty &the Beast.  Great world building with a house that reminded me of HOWL.


Ami said…
I said early on that I thought Cruel Beauty would be a contender, but might not make the cut - definitely on the short list for steamy kisses, though! Thanks for sharing your list!
Kim Baccellia said…
Thanks for stopping by!
bj neary said…
Thanks for this list, you have given me more titles to read and I am especially interested in Cruel Beauty and Ava Lavender, I am going to share this on my Young Adult Novels, too.

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