Friday Five

1. Can't believe summer is winding down.  First day of classes starts on the 25th.  Hoping this will be a good year!  Also hope son can do well enough to transition over to a public high school next year.  Here's hoping!

2. Just finished reading:

My YA Books Central link:

Teaser: Intriguing characters set in a haunted asylum with secrets!


This one caught my eye as it's a spin on the Les Miserables story only told in the POV of Eponine.

4. Excited about this novel:

I have to giggle a little remembering the numerous comments I got when I queried NO MORE GODDESSES and how some told me that no teen, or anyone else for that matter, was interested in a protagonist who loved Audrey Hepburn.

Here's yet another novel with a character who not only loves AH but is an actress cast to do a reenactment of ROMAN HOLIDAY.

5. Polishing the very beginning of my revision.  Hoping to get it in good enough shape to start querying next month.

Cross your fingers for me and send some positive creative vibes my way!

**Guilty pleasure:

I plan to go out by myself and write at one of my favorite restaurants.  Hope to spend an hour or so, polishing my revision while eating some nommy food and of course ordering my favorite fountain drink-


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