Friday Five

1. This week's been crazy as usual! All I can say is thank god for son's student center as I'm able to go to my favorite coffee house: Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and WRITE!

2. Well, today sister-in-laws are coming down from Utah to go through mother-in-law's storage. Very stressful. I'm going to try to stay the heck out of it all. Let's just say it's guaranteed to be Drama City. Popcorn is optional.

3. What does help? Books!

Been reading this one:


Engaging contemporary YA about a spoiled teen who ends up being kidnapped by modern day Somalian pirates who are NOTHING like Jack Sparrow. I like how the protagonist grows in a very difficult situation. What is hard for me to accept through is the idea of her 'falling' in love with one of the pirates. I don't buy the Stockhom Syndrome. Other than that though, fast paced story which doesn't hold back with the reasons behind the Somalians kidnapping to the horror aboard the yacht.

4. Of course I couldn't not buy the next Meg Cabot book in the SIZE 12 IS NOT FAT!

Love the humor mixed with mystery. Meg is a pro!

5. You all just have till September 30th for a chance to win a copy of my latest NO MORE GODDESSES. I'm giving away 2 signed copies through Good Reads!

**Also did any of you caught BLACKLIST the other night? OMG, OMG, this show had me on the edge of my seat! Think Silence of the Lambs/Alias/24 all blended into one amazing fast paced ride!

**Guilty Pleasure:

Going to try to stay out of the in-law Drama for the week situation by taking in a yoga session:


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