Friday Five

1. Been resting as it's Spring Break.

Yay!!!! I've been so drained with all the teen drama with school and other things. It's nice to take a break.

2. Been training for my temporary part-time gig I do each year around this time. I score standardized tests.  The little extra money usually goes to help with promotionals I put together on my books. This past year I had not one, but two books come out! That means lots of PR!

3. Got a review from LitPick on CROSSED FIRE.

Though it's not a 5 star review, the reviewer did say some nice things about my novel.

4. Been reading too. Right now reading DREAD NATION by Justina Ireland:

So far really loving this alternative view of after the Civil War meets Zombie slayers.

5. Got a really nice 'rejection' from a YA imprint. Love when that happens! It's an imprint I've really want to work with. Here's a little from the letter:

What might not be right for XXX's list could very well be perfect for another publisher, so we wish you the best of luck finding the right home for your manuscript.

If you significantly revise this project in the future, you are welcome to resubmit no earlier than **SIX MONTHS** from today's date. In the meantime, please keep us in mind for your next project. We highly encourage you to keep writing, and we’d love to see more from you in the future. 

 **Guilty Pleasure:

Plan on seeing A QUIET PLACE. Yes, I'm a big horror fan. This one looks really intriguing.



Little Willow said…
Good luck, good luck!
Kim Baccellia said…

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