Friday Five
1. Been working on the first round of edits for the sequel to CROSSED OUT. In this book, I'll have Cura, Stephanie, Dylan, and Hillary have to work together on recent crossing while someone in their past comes back to Sacramento with deadly secrets. Stephanie. Let's just say readers will find out more behind Stephanie's ability! 2. Also been working on rewriting the beginning of CANDLE. I've been attending a weekly critique group at the home of my former writing mentor. It really helps to have another set of eyes go over your writing. Right now have to make Jorge less of an ass and at least more likable. 3. Yes, this has been my recent office: 4. Also trying to squeeze in some reading: Finished Cindy Pon's upcoming book: My YABC review: Teaser: Fast-paced, engaging, dystopia set in the futuristic world of Taipei where one survivor's strength is put to the test. 5. ...