Excited to Announce...

I'm excited to announce....

I'll be a part of the Cybils this year!  I'm on the second panel that will judge what was the best YA graphic novel of the year!

Round 1:
Mel Schuit
Let’s Talk Picture Books
Lexie Cenni
For the Sake of Reading
Christa Seeley
Women Write About Comics/This is a Metaphor 
Cecelia Larsen
Adventures of Cecelia Bedelia
John Mutford
The Book Mine Set
Maggi Rohde
Books for Squids
Megan Kelly
Devour Books
Round 2:
Kim Baccellia
Si, Se Puede
Cheriee Weichel
Library Matters
Helen Murdoch
Helen’s Book Blog
Ardo Omer
Put A Blurb On It


Can't wait to see what books will be nominated!


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