Pandemic Edition April 17, 2020
1. Days are all kind of blending into the same. Yet, I'm glad I live in a state where a governor has stepped up and is actually trying to do something with this pandemic. 2. Today tRump tweeted this: Then right after he tweeted this, right-wing protesters protested in front of Mineesota governor's home. And if you read that first tweet, it implies that Virginia will take away their guns. This is frightening. And yet nothing still isn't being done. 3. Here's a link to the protesters: KSTP Updated: April 17, 2020 04:59 PM Created: April 17, 2020 10:51 AM Friday morning, President Donald Trump responded to a planned protest at the Minnesota Governor's Residence over the state's 'stay at home' order aimed at combating COVID-19. The president tweeted, "LIBERATE MINNESOTA," which is the name used by the event's organi...