Friday Five
1. This week had it's highs and lows. **A typical week for me! I ended up getting a rejection for CANDLE, but still have it out with numerous small press pubs and one agent. **This is my mantra: Never, ever, ever give up. Then I got this review for CROSSED FIRE: The story is imaginative and well written. You relate to these teens and their lives. Each has their own unique personality that enhances the story. Stephanie and Dylan are adorable together and entertain you in this tale. Cura is quirky and captures your heart with her optimism and cheer. Hillary you just love to loathe and you do feel for at the end but not enough to think her adventure will change her attitude..Dr. A is just as awesome as ever and the plot is fun, quirky and entertaining with just enough descriptive writing to give you and understanding and keep you in the story but not enough to have you yawn and want it to end..Do hope we get more of these fun characters and their adventures especially n...