Friday Five
1. Midterms week. Did I mention how flippin' hard teaching ninth grade is? I totally bow in awe to any HS teachers out there. This age is TOUGH. My mom though thinks it's funny and reminds me karma has come back. My teen years weren't the best and I had some serious 'tude. But I can't even imagine what it would have been like if there were cells back in the later 70s/early 80s. Now that 14 year old has his own cell? He's texting all the time. This is me when I 'interrupt him while texting a friend he just saw like a half of an hour or so: Though to be fair when I was a teen? It was calling friends and staying on the phone FOREVER. At least with a cell you don't have to battle that long extension cord. Remember those? 2. Been reading lots! ALIVE: This one at first had my attention with a girl who gets a heart transplant and the one 'new' guy that has her experience intense feelings that she has to be with him. ...