Pandemic Edition Thursday March 26, 2020

1. Watched CNN interview with Dr. Fauci. He's someone I trust. Also an interview with Bill Gates who went over the pandemic and his views/suggestions.

Like I said before I'm only listening to our governor, scientists, and doctors.

Here's the status so far on the Covid-19 virus.

And tRump goes on Fox news and says it's all overblown. Makes me ill and very afraid.

2. During our Stay at Home order, I've been taking online Italian classes. Also catching up on reading.

Just finished reading GIRLS WITH RAZOR HEARTS by Suzanne Young.

My YA Books Central review:

3. Didn't go shopping today. Did get an email from Walmart saying my order was delayed. Ugh. And I'd do anything for antibacterial wipes. No one has any.

4. Still going to physical therapy and doing my daily stretches. I can walk using my boot to and from a few rooms. I hope I can get strong enough that I can drive and get one of my Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf drinks I love.

5. A little humor:


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