Pandemic 2020 style

So we're now officially in a pandemic. Seems COVID-19 is doing something that has never happened while I've been alive. Close down countries like Italy and China. Fear has caused people to run out and hoard such items as toilet paper-seriously, what's with that? There's no hand sanitizer anywhere.

Oh, and to add to that our country has an idiot in chief as president. Someone who didn't take this deadly virus seriously. Who three weeks previously called it a hoax.

Le sigh.

I've been quarantined since I broke my ankle. That's almost 2 and a half months of being immobile and only going out for doctor visits and once to church.

But yeah, church is canceled too.

To keep sane, I did finish revisions on my latest story with a Latina protagonist and sent it off to my publisher.

Hopefully she'll love Espie and her world:

**Love sister-in-law Angie, who is photogenic and shows the mood of my protagonist in this photo.

Watching season one of ROSWELL NEW MEXICO to prepare for season two this coming Monday.

My writing mentor, Lou Nelson, is going to have our critique group via video conferencing. I'm beyond psyched as I haven't been to group since January.

Since my injury I've been using home service for meals. And teen has been supplying me with iced coffee and chicken sandwiches/Diet Dr. Pepper with lemon slices.

Will try to be more faithful on posting during this time of national emergency in our country. I do think later on people will ask what we did during this time.

Now off to read the amazing book SHOUT by Laurie Halse Anderson.


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