Pandemic 3/15/2020

So woke up to more bad news from Italy. I have cousins over in Lucca. Been contacting a cousin on Instagram to see how they're doing.

Then got photos from brother who went shopping yesterday. This is what they found at local store in Merifee.

This whole quarantining has been frustrating for me as I'm still immobile and using crutches and a wheelchair. I'm thinking my next physical therapy session might be canceled this Tuesday. At least I got one session in with homework-which I've been doing.

Since I finished revision, hope to get back to another revision for book three in the Goddess series. This one is set in Rome!

Also been reading SHOUT by Laurie Halse Anderson which is amazing:

Hoping that tRump doesn't speak tomorrow. It looks like whenever he gets on air, people go nuts with hoarding food and other items.

And a big shout out to those who work in restaurants, fast food places, grocery stores right now. If you do shop, please don't yell or be nasty to those workers. It's not their faults that there's no toilet paper in the store. It's not their fault you might have to wait a few more minutes than normal. My one sister Margo works at Costco. I heard the one in Sacramento where she works was crazy busy the other day. Very stressful.

It doesn't take much to be kind and civil. No, slamming your cart into someone else's or grabbing that toilet paper out of their cart isn't the way to go. It's like my grandmother once told me. In bad times you see the good and bad of people.

Also no church services today. A church leader in my LDS ward did call earlier to see if we were okay and needed anything. My husband called a couple elderly people in our ward asking the same thing. Right now ministering is also so important. Help those who are in need right now like the elderly, handicapped, or ones who can't get out for supplies. Look out for your neighbors.

More cities are now issuing curfews too. Today's news on COVID-19:

Stay smart! And wash your hands!!!!

I love this one:


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