Meet Selena from NO MORE GODDESSES

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Building Character with Selena and Jordan from No More Goddesses
Welcome to my blog feature, Building Character in which you get to meet a character from a book. Talking to a character outside of their book is fun! Huge. Amounts. Of fun.

This week Strands of Thought is host to Selena and Jordan from No More Goddesses. Welcome to Strands of Thought girls. Tell us a little about yourselves and what your life is like.

Hi, I’m going to start as Jordan is being all shy and everything.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me chica! You know it’s true.”


Okay, where were we? Oh, yeah, hey, I’m Selena and Jordan over there just happens to be my BFF. We both love romance and yes, even vintage Audrey Hepburn movies. I have a mega sweet tooth. **Love bubblegum. Also love hawt guys, vlogging about romance and of course more hawt guys, and adventure. Unless it involves being around one nasty Goddess chica. Then I rather stay home, thank you very much!

Girls, tell us what you’re up against.

Okay, I didn’t believe Jordan at first. I love the chica to death but seriously, who would believe that goddesses actually exist? Well, I didn’t until things started happening and then being the friend I am, I had to help her out. The biggest conflict we had is trying to get Hathor to leave us alone. Easier said than done. Sigh.

A goddess!? Wow, how do you beat that? What are some of the biggest stumbling blocks you’ve encountered while trying to get rid of Hathor?

First, like I mentioned before, who was going to believe us? You’d think Jordan would get her Professor dad to help us but of course not. Thank goodness for Andrew, Mr. Mythology Geek, whose knowledge of ancient gods did come in handy.

What have you learned about yourself while trying to resolve your conflict?

Okay, I already know that I’m loyal to a fault. I mean, I’ll do anything for my friends especially Jordan. We’re tight. I might have thought she was loca but I’d never say that to her face. No, I’d help her to the very end.

Jordan has been really quiet! Why don’t you tell us about her Selena?

Jordan is my BFF. We’ve been friends since elementary school. Others might think she’s a little strange—okay, sometimes her Audrey Hepburn passion kind of goes overboard but hey, that’s part of her charm! She got me into the whole AH thing. Now I can’t stop watching the old movies! Also love her grandmother who is the coolest.

We’d love to learn more about you. What is your strongest personality trait?

Being loyal. Yep. That’s me. Ms. Loyal!

Is there anything about you that people are always giving you a hard time about? How do you feel about it?

Okay, for one, people say I’m mega hyper. Hey, it’s better than just being laid back. Also that I eat too much sweets. Nah, so not true.

**Selena pops a huge bubble.

Nope, not true at all. Next question?

What are your three favorite leisure activities?

Shopping for cute clothes, watching Tessa’s Treasure with Jordan, and hanging with my friends at In N Out Burger.

I love In N Out! I wish we had them up here in Oregon. What do you want to be when you grow up?

A famous vlogger. Do they have jobs like that? Because if they do? I’d totally rock at it.

Idk if it’s a job, but my niece posted a picture of her and a famous vlogger on Facebook yesterday. So, if you could change one thing in this world, what would you change?

It should be against the law for goddesses to mess with us. Isn’t there some kind of rule book on that? Need to ask Andrew. He’d know.

Thanks for visiting with us girls. Readers, here is more about Selena’s and Jordan’s story, No More Goddesses:

When fifteen-year-old Jordan Lake discovers an ancient bracelet in her grandmother's house, she uncovers a family mystery that links her favorite actress, Audrey Hepburn, a romantic movie, and an aunt she never knew. Jordan hopes the bracelet will bring her love. Instead, it becomes a nightmare, unleashing the curse of Hathor, the Egyptian love goddess, who decides it's fun to mess with theMcKnight High School social scene. Only Jordan holds the key to vanquish Hathor, but will she figure it out in time to save her school and get a date to the dance?




And here is some information about Selena’s and Jordan’s author:

When writing No More Goddesses, Kim Baccellia watched almost all of Audrey Hepburn movies and learned to love this famous icon after watching and reading all she could on Audrey. She has also always had a secret desire to travel to Egypt and visit the pyramids. The closest she’s come to fulfilling this dream are her younger sister Autumn and Egyptian-national brother-in-law Eihab, who were kind enough to share some things with her, including a Hathor sistrum and some incense. Kim's other works include Crossed Out, a YA paranormal, published by Lachesis Publishing, and a YA multicultural fantasy, Earrings of Ixtumea, which was re-released in March 2012 by Muse It Up publishing. A member of YARWA, Kim is currently writing the sequel to Crossed Out. She's also putting the finishing touches on a YA multicultural dystopian novel. She lives in Southern California with her husband and son.

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Twitter: @ixtumea
FB: @kbaccellia
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