Friday Five

1. First our week started out with the terrible news that the older brother of our son's friend tragically died in a car accident early Monday morning. They think he fell asleep at the wheel. So tragic and such a loss. His funeral is today at 11am. It's so sad to see something so tragic like this.

2. Other news is a little better. Son's charter school just leased an old school. let me tell you that this school is AWESOME. There is so much potential and also there are some great places around that I can get some writing done.

3. Got this yesterday!

4. Also can't wait to read more of this:

I'm a total Daemon fan and this book is writing in his POV!

5. My book was reviewed here the other day:

What blogger says:

So yeah, all sorts of potential for adorableness. And it did have it’s cute moments. It was light, and fluffy, and not too serious. Very teen, and a refreshing respite from those heavier doom ‘n gloom books.

Some of what one blogger says about NO MORE GODDESSES:

The story was intriguing and I enjoyed learning about the Egyptian mythology that was woven into the book.

I'm glad for honest reviews even if the reviewer says the book wasn't for her. So far with all my reviews there's been some positive feedback. Of that I'm thankful! Also need to remember it's all subjective out there.

**Guilty Pleasure:

Today we're finally getting carpet installed in our office which will help so much as then husband can be in there while I'm homeschooling.



Jessie Harrell said…
so sad about your son's friend... totally tragic. I cringe even thinking about my kiddos driving and it's still 7 years away.
Enjoy the good looking books you've got there. Dameon is a great character, so I'm sure Origin is awesome.
Kim Baccellia said…
Thanks, Jessie. Yes, I love Dameon! Also love Dante in Liberator.

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