Friday Five

1. First off, my blog book tour stops for the coming week include:

Today's stop:

Review 3 out of 5 stars!

Love the books that tease me with what could happen and then everything changes. What i love about this book is the mystery and the unknown, very exiting book. Giving the book an overall 3 out 5 stars. The book has a little bit of everything in the story, and the adventure that carries us through they are very good.

Monday-August 19th:
Monday-August 19th:
Wednesday-August 21st:
Friday-August 23rd:

2. Well, the results are in: my bloodwork was really good! Yay! Thyroid was good. Liver count was excellent!


My ultrasound showed that I have what doctor told me is a mild fatty liver. Ugh. And what looks like a small gallbladder stone. Which means...

More monitoring and doctor suggested using a moderate Adkin's diet. Meaning low carbs and lean proteins.


But like everyone is telling me this could have been so much worse. Doctor 'admitted' she worried that I had hepatitis as my liver count in November was high. Now though it's normal which is good.

3. Reading right now:

Really enjoying this modern tale of a girl who finds out on her Parisian field trip that she might be linked to the former queen. Add to that this ghostly queen is slightly upset at descendents of those who betrayed her and might be behind some gruesome beheadings.

4. Purchased this iStock photo that totally reflects my character Espie in my revision:

5. Also here's a clue on what to expect in book two of the Goddesses series:

**Guilty pleasure:

Getting new carpet--finally--for our office! Yay!

Plus, hope to go to a really nice restaurant to celebrate the 28th wedding anniversity. OMG, it's really been that long? In my defense we were in college when we got married!


Unknown said…
That's a bunch of good news, Kim. (Except for the fatty liver, gall stones and diet.) I hope you're at 100% soon. Your book 2 by the Eiffel tower sounds awesome! :-)

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