Friday Five

First off I'll be here this coming week!

Friday, August 23rd:
Monday, August 26th:
Wednesday, August 28th:
Friday, August 30th:

2. Finished reading this:

I was able to get the paperback from the September Teen Scholastic book order for $6. Let's just say the title and cover aren't anything like a twist on Alice in Wonderland. Plus the zombies here aren't really zombies. It was an engaging read though.

3. Love this MG time travel series from Sourcebooks:

My YA Books Central review:

Teaser: This is a fun time travel series perfect for tween and younger readers. In the first book we're introduced to Mira who finds out her missing mother is in fact a time traveler on an important mission. Now Mira goes to Rome with her brother and father in order to help her mother on another time travel quest.

Love the journal entries that add to the charm of this series. Huge pluses include weaving in historical information about such things as how the Renaissance wasn't all that perfect with the Inquisition and the treatment of Jewish people. Mira's adventures have her searching for Giordano Burno who was burned at the stake for heresy. These people did exist and the author tells the fate of others in the author notes.

4. Right now reading and falling in love with this book:

5. Loved reading author friend's FB posts on their recent trip to Paris

**Guilty Pleasure:

Going to see Mortal Instruments. I read most of the books and really enjoyed! Can't wait to see the movie!


Jessie Harrell said…
Congrats on the great reviews you've been getting. I really want to read Gayle Forman's new books. LOVED Where She Went!
Kim Baccellia said…
OMG, Jessie you HAVE to read this book! It's amazing!

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