Friday Five

1. First off, here's my tour days for the next week!

Also here:
August 12th:
August 14th:

Remember, stop by and comment for a chance to win some cool prizes which include gift cards/signed books!

2. Omg, Mattel just emailed me that they have a new Audrey Hepburn doll available! I ordered her!

Here she is from Roman Holiday!

They also have the one from Sabrina:

3. Finished this round of bloodwork and ultrasounds. Ugh, it total sucks getting older!

4. Finished reading this:

My YA Books Central review:

Teaser: What worked: I loved this book. I curled up on my sofa for a couple days and let the writing pull me in. Gurtler isn't afraid to dig deep with her character's emotions and flaws. Nothing cliche or stereotypical here! Grace is the 'good girl' but loves the excitement of Kyra though she fears the choices her friend makes. Grace reminded me so much of me in high school and the best friend I would do just about anything to keep. I really think Grace and her struggles and conflicts over Kyra will resonate with readers. Who hasn't had to make the painful decision on whether a friendship is still worth having? Or how far would you go to help a friend?

5. Right now reading book 4 of the WAKE series by Amanda Hocking!

Also hope to start reading:

What can I say? Really love Hocking's writing!

**Guilty pleasure:

Getting pedi. Plus I'm a taster this time around at Del Taco! My son loves when they pick me as we end up getting a $15 gift card to go and get his favorite: tacos!


Little Willow said…
Happy Friday to you, Kim! :)
Pippa said…
Great post, Kim - keep them coming (I always need more titles on my to-read list). Enjoy your pedi and tacos :D
Kim Baccellia said…
Thanks, Willow!
Kim Baccellia said…
Thanks, Pippa. I love sharing new book finds with everyone!
Katja Weinert said…
A tale of two centuries sounds really good. all the best with the tour!

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