Pandemic Easter Edition-April 12, 2020

**As of today there are 9100+ cases of Covid-19.  In the US 525,000+ cases and 20,414 deaths. Well, tRump was right. He said he'd make us 'Number 1' in the world. Only in this case we're #1 in deaths.

1. Today is Easter and well, since California still has a Stay at Home order, no church services. I did watch this from Andrea Bocelli:

Gorgeous backdrop in a church in Milan.

2. Speaking of Stay at Home order, California governor Newsom just extended it to May 15th.

Which means we'll be in quarantine for two months. Add to the time I've been home after breaking my ankle. Over 4 months.

And this is becoming our new 'norm'. Going outside wearing masks. Social distancing.

Can't wait when this is over....

3. Loved this new version of SNL.

4. Also loved attending a zoom session of OCCRWA. The speaker spoke on the darkest moment in your writing.

5. Able to walk a little more. Not much, but it's something.

Stay home. Stay safe. And wash your hands for 20 seconds!!!!


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