Friday Five

1. First off, I totally need to remember this rule:



Because it never fails to make me feel less than successful or worse.

2. This week also heard tragic news from an author friend in Texas. I've known her online since 2004 and she's been so encouraging and supportive of not only my writing career but helped me when I had to homeschool my son and dealing with my elderly mother-in-law. So I was heartbroken when it was posted that her husband and son were found dead of heat exhaustion while on a hiking trip in New Mexico.

My heart goes out to her right now.

Fellow author Melodye Shore posted something that I loved:

3. Almost done with the latest round of edits on my sequel to CROSSED OUT.

**Stay tuned for a book blog tour for GODDESSES CAN WAIT! It'll be the last week in July. More coming soon!

4. Still had some time for reading. THE HEARTS WE SOLD by Emily Lloyd-Jones

Link to my YA Books Central review:


Engaging paranormal horror tale where a girl makes a deal with a demon at a terrible cost. Insights into surviving and friendships. This is an unique twist on the whole fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin with a satisfying conclusion.

5. Right now reading this and LOVING the voice something fierce. I totally can see Charlie Dean hanging with my character Jordan Lake and discussing fashion points.

**Guilty Pleasure:

Probably going to go to coffee house and get some more writing in:


Melodye said…
Awwww, thanks for the shout-out, Kim! Glad my Wordless Wednesday post "spoke" to you!

Comparisons are the archenemy of authenticity, don't you think? You have a wonderful, unique voice...appreciate it for the treasure it is. xo
Kim Baccellia said…
You're too sweet! Thanks so much for your own blog posts. Love them so much!

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