Friday Five

1. So the plague has hit. I've been sick since Tuesday, plus son's still under the weather.

Oh, joy.

Lou Nelson, my writing mentor, suggested taking zinc.  So I'm doing that plus resting while teen is at school.

2. So I haven't done much writing but plan to get back to it soon!

3. Been reading though.  Latest:

I've been a fan of THE CAGE series since I was lucky enough to score a galley from YABC. This is the third and final book in the series and it's FRICKIN' AMAZING! I got to host Megan for a YABC Author Twitter chat a while back. Her books are so good! I totally recommend this TWILIGHT ZONE meets MAZE RUNNER.

4. 16 WAYS TO BREAK A HEART by Lauren Strasnick

My YA Books Central review:

Teaser: What I do like is how neither of these characters is the 'saint'. Each one has faults, insecurities, and selfishness. Natalie is high strung and very insecure with her border-line paranoia of Dan cheating on her. **Readers find out she might be right on this but the ways she goes about it, shows me a girl who has Fatal Attraction tendencies. One of Dan's BFFs, Ruby, calls Natalie a 'emotional vampire'. I tend to agree.

5. Just watched this and really loved the sharp dialogue and teen angsty:  Totally recommend. It's available on NetFlix.

**Also I still have my GoodReads giveaway going on until June 12th!

**Guilty Pleasure:

Well, son's 16th birthday is tomorrow! So he wants to go to Denny's tonight for their Grand Slam breakfast. 


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