Friday Five

1, Been going to library and coffee house almost every day this week.  Need to finish this revision so I can query it off to agents by September!

Right now working on the synopsis and query letter.  Plan to have one other YA author go over and then I should be ready to query.

2. Been reading more too!

SURVIVE THE NIGHT by Danielle Vega

This is one creeptastic horror tale with a Stephen King edge.

YABC review:

Teaser: This is a horror novel that delivers with fast-paced suspense where friends are racing to survive the terrors of being underground with some malevolent presence.


I'm a huge fan of Gwenda Bond and this is a comic adaptation of  her GIRL ON A WIRE series.  Loved the setting--Paris!--and Bond's writing is very addictive!  This is the first in a series of four comics set in Paris.

4. NEVERMORE by Kelly Creagh

Can't wait to start this paranormal series!  Ooh, strange things happen within one character's writing on Edgar Allan Poe.  I read the free teaser on my Kindle Fire and was hooked!

One big pet peeve though is how Barnes & Noble doesn't stock books unless they're fairly recent.  I had to special order the first two books in this series.  The third one will be coming out in paperback the end of this month!

5. Reading THE BELL JAR by Sylvia Plath for research:

Though some of the writing is a little dated, the other all story line of a college aged girl being torn by the social norms for women in the 1950s is something that still rings true for today.  Some have told me how depressing this book is but I don't feel that at all.  I feel her conflict and struggle to try to fit in and how the pressures of being the 'good' girl are at times over powering.

Been following her quotes on both Twitter and Pinterest.

My character directed me to Plath.  Personally, I never read any of her poetry and love Anne Sexton but that just didn't seem like a fit for this YA novel.

We'll see where this leads me...

**Also excited to be hosting YA author Beth Revis this next Monday, July 18th, at 5pm PST:

Loved her Sci-fi series and also right now reading her writing ebooks which give helpful tips on the writing biz!


5. Looks like the second round of edits for the sequel to NO MORE GODDESSES is done!  Need to go over the copy edits one last time.  Hope when this sequel comes out, the 'new' cover for the first book will be out!  I've seen it and LOVE IT.

**Guilty pleasure:

Like I mentioned before, one thing that bugs me about the local Barnes & Nobles out my way is what books they stock.  I know it's more a management decision on which books they carry and which ones they pass on.  One book that really surprised me had to be the sequel to Rachel Caine's amazing new series. I special ordered and it is in the store right now! 

Picking it up and then grabbing a Starbucks drink.  With a Barnes & Noble membership, not only do you get free shipping for the year(which is so worth it for someone like me that reads ALL THE TIME) but you get 10% off the drinks.


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