Friday Five

1. So this week I've sat down and attacked this revision.  I swear it feels like it's never ending.  Whoever said that writing is easy?  Well, I bet they never actually wrote a complete story and do all the necessary edits to polish it.

This is how the process feels:

Me at coffee house with my iced tea latte:

Tea of the day?  1/4th cherry and 3/4ths rooibos chai blend with NSA chocolate power=Cherries on the Rocks.

2. Though I've come back to project, I still find like this:

Need to hit through this wall.  I know some authors say they don't 'believe' in walls but I've encountered them.  I mused on why they happen and came up with the idea that it's part fear that my work isn't good enough to doubts that I'm even that great of a writer.

Just need to slam through those doubts:

3. In meantime, got a box of more books to read from YA Books Central:

LOVE being a staff reviewer for YA Books Central!!!

4. A couple books I've reviewed so far this week:

My YA Books Central review:

Teaser:  Fast-paced ride through a world where everything hinges on an important choice where indecision could be a deadly mistake.


This book really hit me hard.  It's about a school shooting and is shown through the eyes of those who were somehow connected with the shooter.

My YA Books Central review:

Teaser: Intense, gripping portrayal of not only a shooter but others around him. Kuddos for the author for peeling back what might otherwise be an one-dimensional killer. What leads up to the massacre is shown in haunting details. I thought I'd have a hard time reading this considering I lost my own sister to gun violence. THIS IS WHERE IT ENDS shows not only the hatred but the misunderstandings, hurt, pain, and sadness of a shooting. 

**Guilty pleasure:  My birthday is this Sunday!  So plan on spreading out my celebrations by going to Sephora today to get some help on new makeup.  Then tomorrow will go see FIFTH WAVE.  Loved the first book in this series!

Going to see it at the luxury theater.  Then will go out to dinner on Monday as we don't go out on the Sabbath.  I'll have a facial peel the following week.  Why not celebrate your birthday month?


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