Friday Five

1. Well, el Nino is here.   It's been a very wet week!

I had to share this video as Southern Californians are not used to heavy rain.  On Wednesday the rain came down hard for a prolonged period of time.  We were at son's art class.  I swear those other homeschool kiddos were totally freaking out!

We need the rain but our water company keeps saying that even if we have a huge el Nino?  We'll still be in a drought.  Crazy.

On Tuesday, the streets in Santa Ana were all flooded.  Thank goodness I was driving my Rav4 as the water literally flew over my car!

Here's a link on how bad the rain was:

2. Just got back some amazing feedback on my current project!  Need to flesh out some more of the world building and tightened some more things.

I totally can do this!!!!

2. Been doing lots of reading lately.

I'm such a huge fan of this series!

My YA Books Central review:

Teaser: This twist on fairy tales cumulates into one satisfying conclusion. The only issue I have is I want to know what happens next!


My YA Books Central review:

Teaser: Love the insight into a teen's depression and what led her to try to commit suicide. Very realistic portrayal of how some family/friends are in denial to why a love one might try to commit suicide.


My YA Books Central:

Teaser: Raw, intense, and thought provoking, each of these stories explores gun culture and it's impact on the lives of teens. Perfect for class discussion regarding guns, especially with recent headlines.


Talk about a hooky title that has really nothing to do with the premise!  Almost done reading. This story has two teens who end up in the middle of nowhere after their father fears the end is coming and has them leave behind everything.  Their mother freaks and takes off, with the father going after her.  He leaves the teens behind, alone in a dilapidated house next to a New Age commune.  I couldn't help but feel this is parenting at it's worse.  Readers do get a glimpse into the struggles both sister has and what happens when their world collides with the edgier residences next door.

**Guilty pleasure:

Pedi time!  Thinking of having navy with white polka dots.  Can't wait!


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