Friday Five

1.  Have annual thyroid sonogram visit later today.  Back in 1988 my gynecologist found a huge growth in my throat which later was diagnosed as possible thyroid cancer.  I had surgery and the surgeon removed the half of the thyroid with the growth.  Luckily for me it was benign.  My younger sis had the same thing happen to her only hers was thyroid cancer.

So two years ago I asked for another sonogram to check out the remaining side.  They found some nodules and one is bigger than the others.  This means I have to go back every year so they can monitor them to see if they grow any more.

Cross fingers it's okay!  In the meantime, I've not had a diet Coke for a week.  One tech told me to do this with my mammograms as it might help not get cysts.  I've also tried to have a salad every day and been cutting back on other sugary things as next Monday I have to have blood work to not only check my thyroid level but my cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Oh, joy.

2. Watched the season premier and enjoyed this campy Mean Girls meets Slasher.  A little gory but still hilarious;

3. Excited that publisher sent me this YA horror book to review:

Here's the awesome book trailer:

4. Finish reading this awesome YA novel:

My YA Books Central review:

Teaser: Haunting ghost tale of loss and love set in a centuries old Gothic mansion off the coast of Maine. Also a story of being true to not only yourself but coming to terms with a painful past.

5. Listening to the audio of this one!  I'm a huge Tudor fan! 

This story though is no THE TUDORS; 

This King Henry is older and shown in graphic detail.  Let's just say he's not gorgeous at all.  For his soon to be 6th wife, her fear of displeasing him and her description of the aging king are very vivid.  So far really enjoying!

**Guilty pleasure:

Need to find a tiara for next month's OCCRWA Birthday Bash event. 

I really want to go for the Queen Levana look though from FAIREST by Marissa Meyer:  Might need some gaze material? 

I'm going and spending the night at the hotel so I can go to the pj party afterwards.

If you just happen to be at FenCon?  Check out the Zumaya Publishing booth where copies of NO MORE GODDESSES are!


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