Friday Five

1.  This week started off with my younger brother, Brent, getting married to Angelica in Vegas.

Doesn't she look gorgeous in this photo?

Angelica is from Baja, California.  I've only spoken to her over the phone, but she seems very sweet.  One thing is for sure.  She's made my brother happy after a very unhappy previous marriage.  Wishing both of them the best.

2. Homeschooling week three has been tough.  In our church, teens in grades 9-12 go to early morning Bible study called Seminary.  In our ward(kind of like local church), it starts at 5:45am.

Yes, you heard me right:

5:45 A.M.

Since I'm the mom and all, guess who has to get him up at 5am?

So this is me:

Though I've been using that time to do some writing.  So it's ending up to be a win-win situation.

3. Oh, have to share this latest.  This is a video with Mexican-American actor George Lopez's take on Trump.


Everyone knows how passionate I am to see more Latin@ protagonists in YA/children literature.  The whole Trump trashing Mexicans makes me ill.

I wrote EARRINGS OF IXTUMEA back in 2007 for not only my second language learners to have a mirror to their culture but because there was a lack of strong Latino protagonists in fantasies.

I will continue to write my stories which happen to have Latin@ protagonists because this is part of who I am.  For now, I'm going to step aside and just concentrate on writing the best stories I can.


Just finished reading this very intriguing YA:

I really enjoyed!

My YA Books Central review:

Teaser: Powerful glimpse into the world of darkness and the love that can pull one from its depths. A creepy, haunting read that will surprise readers at the end.

Just started reading this book: 

I've always been intrigued on Queen Levana's back story. 

5. Really excited to receive DREAM THINGS TRUE by Marie Marquardt

This one is a diverse love story between an undocumented Latin@ and a Southern White boy.  Can't wait to read!

**Guilty pleasure:

Not sure.  Have to finally get new tires for our Rav4.  Today is the only Friday I really have open for a few weeks.  Man, living in So. Ca is $$$$.  These tires will cost $650.  Then I noticed the Honda's service light just went on.



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