Friday Five

1. Been busy scoring essays.  This is me after 4 hours of scoring essays:

Looks like there's a couple more weeks of this project and after that, I'll finish that so-called 'quick' read of my latest project.  **Really need to get this done so I can make my Fall deadline of querying!

2. Speaking of projects, I've been featured over on my Lachesis publisher's site.

Tuesday there's a Q&A post:

Wednesday I share some of my Top 5 Horror books:

Thursday comment on your own favorite children/YA book!

Comment and have a chance at winning a free e-book!  Better yet, let me know you commented on Friday's post and I'll send you some swag.

And with all that I should be having some news to share on the writing front!

3. Doing some research for a possible romance set in the 1920s.

This series was suggested:

I'm really getting into this YA series set in 1929, right before the Crash.  There is a tad bit too much head hopping but other than that?  Very engaging.

Waiting for my second book as it's all sold out in brick and mortar stores:

Why the 20s?  My younger sister Autumn, who is a paid genealogist, came across some newspaper clippings from Mexico which mentioned our great-grandfather being arrested in the early 20s for having alcohol at his resort and being jailed for contributing to the delinquency of a minor.  My grandfather used to tell me stories about that resort which was located in Reche Canyon, outside of Riverside County, Ca.  He said it was the place to be as everyone went to the parties and he got to escort the Silent Movie stars that came.

Grandpa in the 30s.  He was always very proud of dressing up!

The mineral water that won awards in the 1910-1920s and even bet out Arrowhead!

So much to go with including a diverse angle as Grandpa Console was half Mexican, half Italian.  Heard stories that were hushed about the discrimination they faced to the point that they denied their heritage to blend in and pass for being White.  Add a love story and this is PERFECT.  Of course I'll bring my own story magic and two love struck characters in the early 1920s.

4. Finished reading SWEET MADNESS

I've always been captivated with the story of Lizzie Borden.  Did she or didn't she ax her parents?

Engaging historical that gets readers right into the Borden home right before the deed.

YA Books Central review:

Teaser: Engaging historical novel that gives readers another glimpse into the infamous Lizzie Borden.

5. Also finished the upcoming Alex Flinn YA novel MIRRORED

YA Books Central review:

Teaser: Unique spin on the classic fairy tale Snow White this story will resonate with readers with it's twist on what is really beautiful. Another winner from Alex Flinn!

**Guilty pleasure: Hope to sneak over to Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and do some writing.  Will order my all-time favorite drink--African Sunrise iced tea latte with NSA chocolate powder and one shot.  So good!


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