Friday Five

1. First off, the last day of school was Wednesday.  Son is done with middle school and will be a freshman in high school this next school year.

On how I feel about school being over:

One more year of homeschooling and then going to transition son to public high school.  Hoping this will mean I will be able to write full-time again as it looks like I might have more on my plate!

Speaking of:

2. I might have some more news to share next week!  Writing news.  

3. Right now finishing up a quick read of my revision before doing yet another quicker round of edits on it and then I will be sending to critique buddy so I can get ready to query again!

4. Just finished reading THE EDGE OF FOREVER

My YA Books Central review:

Teaser: Fast-paced time travel tale with twists and turns throughout and with a mystery that keeps readers turning the pages.

5. Agent Jen Laughran mentioned this book on Twitter and I got a sample.  Omg, it's amazing so far.

Here's a little on the book: 

The Kevinian cult has taken everything from seventeen-year-old Minnow: twelve years of her life, her family, her ability to trust.

And when she rebelled, they took away her hands, too.

**Guilty pleasure:

On Saturday going to local OCRWA meeting!  Love to go to these meetings as they motivate me to continue writing, even when I feel I'm totally sucky.


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