Reflections From #Kidlitcon and Sacramento

1.First off, it was kind of surreal to be back at my old work place, some thirty years later!

I used to work at Weinstocks in 1984 on K street.

My YA paranormal CROSSED OUT takes place in Sacramento too!

It felt so surreal to be back 'home'. Everything has changed with the city tearing up Downtown Plaza to make room for the King's stadium. Almost everyone, including the very friendly Super Shuttle dude, told me they worry about what impact the stadium will bring with parking and just driving.

Some things didn't change:

The amazing trees!

2. Found this awesome Temple coffee house right around the corner from Citizen's Hotel:

Loved their iced tea Chai and iced mocha drinks!

3. Yes, here's my blog saying! I took it from Cesar Chavez's famous quote. Chavez has special meaning to me as my bisabuela's--great-grandmother's-- family were migrant workers.

4. I met tons of bloggers and also FINALLY met Sheila, who is over the YA Speculative fiction panel.

5. And these two bloggers had tons of enthusiasm and energy. Loved!

**Check out their multicultural blog too!

6. Yes, I can be a part of a panel!

7. Also I finally GOT one of those #weneeddiversebooks pins!

8. The biggest thing I learned?

DON'T BE AFRAID TO SPEAK UP! Don't be afraid to fight for diverse books to be out there.  Preorder the books.  Ask for them at your library, bookstores.  Write them!  **Yes, my current project as a strong Latina protagonist.  And when I 'shared' I'm going to do a spin-off series with Selena from No More Goddesses?  I got a few squeals!

Remember, this: Like Shannon Hale told us on her Skype visit, that story might be for that one child.

9. Speaking of that, I totally got goosebumps hearing this trailer for SUGAR:

10. Also I faced my fear of traveling by myself!  Yes, I usually travel with family but this was the first time since college that I did it all myself!  Yay!

Which included getting on flights, getting a Super Shuttle, and checking in at the Citizen Hotel!

**Now if I'd only get over being shy on getting photo taken!


Unknown said…
It was so great to finally meet you! You did a great job with your presentation. I hope to see you again. I know Baltimore's on the opposite coast for you, but who knows?
Kim Baccellia said…
It was great to finally meet you, Sheila! I heard rumor that Kidlitcon will be in Arizona in 2016? I will be there then!

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