Friday Five

1. Had so much fun at #kidlitcon!  If you didn't read my last post, I had a blast and it was so fun to finally meet bloggers, publishers(Chronicle books you rock), and the Cybils head people in person!

Love this photo with me and Sheila Ruth, who is over the Cybils YA Speculative panel.

And do check out blogger Blanca Welsh and her blog site

Blanca and her sister Libertad were so energetic and enthusiast.  Loved so much!

2. LOVED the iced tea Chai and mochas at Temple Coffee House in downtown Sacramento:

3. And the foyer of the Citizen's Hotel on J street had me picturing Stephanie's next haunting:

**Got to hear #Weneeddiversebooks panel and received on of their pins which is on my handbag!

4. Yes, I did read too!

Picked this galley up at Kidlitcon.  Stayed up till 3am reading this tale of a boy that goes to hell and then 'takes' this one item, thinking he can re write his death.  He takes a couple friends along with him, a Viking, a girl who burnt to death in 1666, and a girl he really likes that died in 1967.  Really enjoyed the voice.

And there will be a second book in this demon time-traveling series:

5. Loved this one!  Plus, it has a diverse protagonist.

Omg, the ghost in this story is based on the one from the horror movie THE RING only her vengeful spirit kills those that murder innocent kids/teens.  There's also scenes where exorcisms take place in the Japanese countryside and those spirits are bound in Japanese dolls.  Creepy, haunting and oh so good!

**Be prepared to read excerpts and reviews from Cybils nominated books!

And thanks in advance to publishers that send me copies!!!!!

**Guilty Pleasure:

Going with son to Party City to get him a costume.  I want to decorate my face in celebration of Dia de Los Muertos--Day of the Dead.  This Latin@ holiday is celebrated on November 1st and is a day of celebrating our ancestors by remembering them.  It's a day of reflection.  Excited going to Olvera Street in Los Angeles next month with son's Spanish class where I hope to finally purchase a sugar decorated skull!


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