**Originally posted at:

Every month YA author Denise Jaden puts together March Madness which is to help motivate and support writers with setting goals. There's posts each day of the week and the best part? Giveaways! Below is the original post from Denise with all the info!

If you’ve been looking for a challenge to get your writing into gear, you’ve come to the right place! Through the month of March we will be cheering each other on to meet challenging goals with our writing.

Also, this year we've decided to open up the challenge to Readers, Bloggers, and Illustrators. Basically, anyone who wants to challenge themselves regarding books and win prizes for it!

Today is goal-setting day!
(But if you don't make it here on the first day, not to worry.
Feel free to add your writing goals here any time during the month of March).

March Madness officially begins March 1st, and this is how it will work.
1. Set a goal here (anything writing, reading, blogging, or otherwise book related). It can be as small and simple of a goal as turning off your Internet while you write, or finishing reading a book you've been trying to get through during the month of March. Or it can be as large as writing or revising an entire book.

2. Check in daily through the month of March at our designated check-in points. Let us know how you're doing with your goal. Share your victories and struggles. Encourage others. The key is support and camaraderie.

3. We give you prizes just for stopping by and letting us know how you're doing, and for encouraging others!
Sounds easy and fun, right?! The following will be the check-in points for the month of March. Check in as often as you can, as we will be announcing prize winners throughout the month on all of the different blogs, but we're writing too, so we don't have time to chase around anyone who has won.

We plan to have check-in posts up and running by 9AM PST (noon EST) each day.

Mondays – Visit LS Taylor at
Tuesdays – Visit Shari Green at
Wednesdays – Visit Shana Silver at
Thursdays – Visit Denise Jaden at
Fridays – Visit Tonette de la Luna at
Saturdays – Visit Carol Garvin at
Sundays – Visit Angelina Hansen at

The prizes! We have some truly awesome prizes up for grabs this year! I'll start by giving away a prize to one person who comments below with their goals within the next 24 hours!

Here are the prizes that are up for grabs (these are in no particular order and have been donated by my generous co-hosts for this event!) I've added in brackets where we are able to mail each prize:

First Five Pages Manuscript Critique! (Courtesy of Denise's agent, Michelle Humphrey - International)

3 BOXES of popular and new fiction! (Courtesy of Shana Silver - US Only)

A book of choice (up to $15) anywhere Book Depository delivers! (Courtesy of Shari Green)

1/2 pound of peanut butter flavored tiger butter! (Courtesy of L.S. Taylor - US/Canada Only)

An autographed paperback of Julius Caesar Brown and the Green Gas Mystery by Ace Hansen (Courtesy of Angelina Hansen - US Only)

A full manuscript critique! (Courtesy of Tonette dela Luna - International)

Audiobook copy of NEVER ENOUGH by Denise Jaden! (Courtesy of Denise Jaden - International)

A Writers-On-The-Go Kit! (Includes various take-with-you stationary, and of course...chocolate!) (Courtesy of Carol Garvin - U.S./Canada Only)

A previously read and loved copy of ROOMIES, signed by both Sara and Tara! (Courtesy of Shari Green - International)

A first chapter critique! (Courtesy of L.S. Taylor - International)

A $20 Gift Card for Barnes & Noble (Courtesy of Angelina Hansen - International)

Copy of your choice of paperback book by Denise Jaden! (Courtesy of Denise Jaden - US Only)

Isn’t that quite the ARSENAL of prizes?! Wow, thank you all!!

Why do we do this, you may ask. Well, I can only answer for myself. First of all, people who set tangible goals and stay accountable with them are as much as 90% more likely to achieve those goals. And I REALLY want to achieve my goals this March. Secondly, I love the camaraderie. This business makes writers feel lonely enough, so any chance I have to feel like I'm not in all of this alone, I'll take it! I love NaNoWriMo each year, but this group is a little more personal. We get to know each other and care about how we're doing on our projects and in our lives. And if one check-in a day is not enough camaraderie for you, we also hang out on Twitter under the hashtag #WIPMadness, so please join in on the conversations there as well.

As for this year's goals, I have two of them. I'd like to revise the book I wrote during NaNoWriMo last year. I already have a strong vision for what to do with this one, so I'm eager to get going. I also plan to first-draft a very short novel (around 20k) that I hope to submit to a specific imprint of a specific publisher. It's a lot, but I believe with all the support here, I will be able to do it.

How about you? What are your goals for this March? Have you done this challenge with us before, and if so, how has it worked out for you? I'd love to hear!

Don't forget to leave your goal(s) in the comments below, and head on over to Carol Garvin's blog this Saturday for your first check-in! Remember, the more you check-in and encourage others, the better chance you have of winning some awesome prizes! And if you set your goal within the next twenty-four hours below, you have a good chance at winning one right away!

ONWARD, Fearless Writers!


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