Friday Five

1. Started off week with helping mother-in-law at her new independent/assisted living community. Played Bingo for .10cents a game. Too funny that the little elderly ladies wouldn't let me start unless I had dimes. The front desk was able to get me some. Son helped his grandmother and he even won a round. He got the pot of winnings which equaled a whole $1.20!

2. Been working hard on this revision. Really want to finish another round before April so I can get back to the first draft of the second book in the goddesses series. Would really love to have it out next year!

Hint on what to expect in the second book:

3. Loved this book:

YA Books Central review:

Teaser: Wow, hold on to your seat as this story is one adrenaline rush that is filled with suspense, intrigue, romance, and even aliens.

What worked: This book kept me on the edge of my seat. I'm totally loving alien YA stories and this one doesn't disappoint. What I loved had to be the twist and turns throughout plus the intriguing premise of a world that might in fact be dominated by mostly aliens

4. Also halfway through this YA mystery/thriller:

I'm a HUGE fan of Jennifer Armentrout. Love her Sci-fi YA Lux series and her new WHITE HOT KISS. This book has all the great writing you can expect with Armentrout!

5. The Giver movie trailer came out yesterday. Personally, it's nothing like what I expected. I read all the books and felt this trailer had an almost genetic feel going for it--Think Stepford wives meets Hunger Games. Sigh.

What do the rest of you think? Is this anything like what you pictured when you read the book?

This trailer on the other hand is what I pictured while reading this book:

Our whole house is very excited to see this movie. Plus, Dylan Thomas of Teen Wolf(Stiles) is the lead actor.

**Guilty pleasure:

Plan to see this:

Also grab a Starbucks green tea frap with soy. Nom!


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