Genre Fiction

What is genre fiction:

Genre fiction is kind of wide category. Science fiction, fantasy, horror, crime, romance. Though often dismissed or ridiculed by the more “literary” minded, these novels often deal with complex themes and issues and some of the world’s most beloved authors write in these categories. Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Anne Rice, Deborah Harkness, Douglas Adams, P D James, J R Ward and George R R Martin to name a few. Genre fiction can take us to places we never imagine, experience scenarios we’ve always dreamed of and open up new worlds to explore. Armchair BEA

If you’re a reader of genre fiction do you have a favourite author or series?

Wow. I have so many! My all time favorite series has to be OUTLANDER by Diana Gabaldon

Love Claire and Jaime(omg, he's so hawt!) Their love story is amazing. There's a little of something for everyone: time travel, romance, hawt Scottish guys, amazing writing, did I mention hawt guys, and a love story that endures.

And what keeps bringing you back for more fantasy/sci fi/horror etc? And if you don’t read one (or more) of these genres what is it that deters you from those sections of the bookstore?

It really depends on my mood at the moment. Right now it seems to be paranormal romances. One favorite YA series has to be SWEET PERIL

Just when I thought I was over the whole fallen angel premise, this one was highly recommended. And it lives up to it's hype!

I’m also curious to hear why you think these genres often don’t get the recognition they deserve.

I know this one isn't per say a genre but I think anthologies seem to miss the recognition they deserve. My former UCI writing professor once told us that she thought anthologies were PERFECT for those who 'don't have the time' to invest in a whole novel.

One favorite of mine has to be DIVERSE ENERGIES published by Tu Books

This one is filled with multicultural YA shorts that I just love!



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