Friday Five

1. The light is at the end of the tunnel! Next Friday is the last day of school and then it's summer break!

This chica is totally burned out. After all the pushing to get son's math scores up, after his STAR testing? I was done.

2. Fellow YA Book Central editors Jen @cupcakegirly and Mandy @mgbuelhren are at BEA13 this week! Check out their posts on Twitter!

3. Just finished reading book two in The Selection series. Loved it! Now can't wait for the next book THE ONE.

4. Right now reading a regular fiction book which is amazing:

An architect is asked to build 'priest hold' like hiding places in Paris for Jewish Parisians during the Nazi invasion. Love the voice so much!

5. Almost done with this book:

This one is perfect for Veronica Mars fans. Great voice!

YA Books Central review coming soon!

**Guilty Pleasure:

Husband and I plan to see this movie


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