Friday Five

1. This week started off with me being sick. Hate that. It really bothered son as he told me, "Mommy, you can't be sick! Who'll take me to my classes?" Yes, even though I homeschool, I commute at least 2-3 times a week to take son to his classes. I tell people it's 'community school' as I'm driving everywhere! By Wednesday I was feeling a little better.

2. Read this:

I love the whole premise behind this publisher!

Here's a teaser of my YABC review:

There's so much to love about this ebook serial: romance, mystery, suspense, and one very hawt ghost. There's also the start of a possible love triangle that I hope will continue in the next installment.

Plus there's added surprises like a girl from Luc's mysterious past who pops up after the veil between our world and the spirit world has been torn. There's some other reveals toward the end that leave readers wanting more

Link to review:

3. Also reading:

Really enjoying this paranormal tale! Mix Greek mythological creatures, a hawt protagonist, and a mystery.

YABC review coming soon!

Check out the book trailer:

4. Also was excited to get a package of ARCs from Penguin Teen which included:

Amazing YA contemporary novel of a teen who guards the velvet rope at some hot NYC clubs.

YABC review coming soon!

5. Have some exciting news in the works for my upcoming book NO GODDESSES ALLOWED! It has to do with a fun tie-in! More coming soon!

**Guilty pleasure:

Not so much a pleasure but a need. My hair looks so scary right now! I swear I have like two inches of gray roots. Ugh. Need to let my hairdresser Mark do his usual magic! I'm thinking of having Mark weave blond chunks in my hair this Spring.

And of course, I hope to try the new Hazelnut Starbucks drink!


Carolyn Charron said…
Sick days = no fun for homeschool moms (I homeschool my son too but daughter attends a brick and mortar school.) You had some great reading this week! I've added 2 of them to my TBR pile.

I got my assigned 2 chapters revised in record time this morning and am looking forward to Dr. Who this afternoon with my son. (I love a man in a trenchcoat...)

Happy weekend everyone!
Carolyn Charron said…
Don't mind me... I'm checking in for March Madness on the wrong blog! oops!
Kim Baccellia said…
No! Thanks for posting! **I need to run over to Denise's blog too to check in!

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