Friday Five

1. So I decided to just chop off my hair. Mark, my hairdresser extraordinaire listened and did a fab job! Had lots of positive comments on it except well, mother-in-law, who just 'stared'. All that matters is what I think and I love it!

**And my mother sent me a big album filled with my baby photos:

This was for an activity our church was having the other night. Guess who the baby is! And no one got it! Haha

2. Wednesday was exciting as I heard about the Veronica Mars project:

Yes, I backed it! **I want that t-shirt!

3. Also exciting to hear about the new Pope! I'm not Catholic, but both sets of grandparents were. Plus, this Pope is from Argentina. Even though he has Italian immigrant parents, what's huge is he's from a Latin American country which has the highest percentage of Catholics. I'm very excited.

4. Read this:

This is the perfect place to start if you haven't read THE SELECTION yet.

My YABC review:


I really loved reading Prince Maxon's POV. This novella shows us the selection through his eyes. I loved seeing how he viewed the girls including America. Plus the hint of a possible other interest: Daphne, the French king's daughter. I can't help but think there's more to this story and hope to see more of her. There's also the first two chapters of THE ELITE included so readers get a 'taste' of what to look forward to in April.

5. Reading:

I'm really enjoying this tale of a boy actually is invisible due to a curse from his grandfather. His whole life no-one has been able to see him, until a new neighbor shows up. Told in two alternative POVs, the loneliness and anguish of Stephen is haunting.

Also was asked if I'd read this one YA:

Read the first chapter and I'm already hooked! Great voice with a premise I totally LOVE: Kickbutt heroine who in this case slays demons.

YABC review coming soon!

**Guilty pleasure:

Husband and son are going to go on a Scout camp-out. If they do(this last week both were sick with a really nasty cold) I hope to do some more writing on this revision especially after I got some other exciting news!

Oh, and hope to grab

after I go to the Post Office to mail off some prizes and books.

**Tomorrow will tie in my latest news with my March Madness post! Check back tomorrow!!!!


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