Friday Cybils Five

1.  TOUCH OF POWER by Maria Snyder

Love Maria Snyder's fantasies and this tale has the same feel as her Poison books.  Intriguing tale of a healer who goes into hiding after anyone who is found healing is put to death.

2. SERAPHINA by Rachel Harman

 So many people have been saying awesome things about this YA fantasy of a girl who is part dragon/human.  I admit, I'm not really a fan of dragon books but this one is the exception.  Beautifully written with a lush world where dragons and human live in an uneasy truce.  Love how the author shows intolerance and hate of those who are different.

3. STORM by Brigid Kemmerer

Love this story of brothers with paranormal abilities.  Strong writing and yes of course hawt guys.  What's not to love?

4.  FOR DARKNESS SHOWS THE STARS by Diana Peterfreud

Totally loved this Jane Austin meets Sci-fi novel that's filled with two characters that are sure to tug at your heartstrings.  Kai and Elliot's story is at times bittersweet with a Wuthering Heights feel to it.  A must read!

5. VELVETEEN by Daniel Marks

I'm a huge fan of ghost stories and VELVETEEN has a little of everything: kickass heroine, hawt dead dude, snark, and a revolution. Yes, totally loved this book!

 Intriguing Romeo and Juliet dystopian tale with magic
**Guilty Pleasure:

Been busy this week with reading Cybils books and finishing up the school year before holiday break.  Son and I made this goodie for his teachers:



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