Friday Five

There's been tons of great reads that came out this week.

1. Just finished reading THE UNNATURALISTS by Tiffany Trent

Really loved this steampunk tale!

YA Books Central review:

2. Finished reading CURSED:

I loved Jennifer Armentrout's Lux series and this one does have a voice I really enjoyed.  I gave it a 3 star rating because of the voice and the premise of a girl with a killer touch.  I think what was missing(This is just my opinion here. Remember this is all subjective) was the chemistry between her and the cute guy.  She's kidnapped and taken to a X men type of school where other 'gifted' teens live only most don't consider her gifted but rather cursed.  I really wanted more chemistry to happen but I just didn't feel it.  Still the voice is engaging and if you love paranormals like I do, you might give this story a try.

3. Went to Barnes and Noble to purchase EVERY DAY:

I was able to get the teaser to this YA Quatum Leap type tale and totally loved what I read.  I was bummed I missed out on the galleys at ALA.  I couldn't wait for it to come out.

4. Then I came home and found DEMON CATCHERS OF MILAN on my porch.  I love Egmont books and this one has two things that really excite me: Italy and the paranormal.  Ooh, so hard to chose which book to read next.

5.  And then I also got the fab Tessa Gratton's latest:

Reading any of Tessa's stories is like having a love affair with words.  You don't want the experience to end.

See what I mean?  Decisions, decisions!

Plus, I still haven't picked up the third CRUSADE book by the fab Nancy Holder:

Love Nancy's writing!  Meet her at ALA and also at RWA Nationals. She's so sweet and approachable.  Plus I'm a huge fan of her UNLEASHED series too!

Ay, what's a girl to do?

**Guilty pleasure:

I have a new one that I'm able to download each Friday on my Nook:

Yeah, husband makes fun of me for loving this tabloid type magazines.  I don't care.  I love these magazines with all the gossip of Hollywood.


CURSED sounds interesting, but I bet the chemistry bit would drive me nuts...

Thanks for sharing these books, never know when I'll see one I'll have to jump on!
Kim Baccellia said…
Just started EVERY DAY and I'm hooked!

Yes, I love the author of CURSED and the premise and voice are engaging but I'm huge of the chemistry between characters. It sizzles in her Lux series.

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