I had tons of fun at RWA Nationals last week.  The first day I was there, I admit, I was overwhelmed with all the conference had to offer.  I didn't get lost getting to the hotel.  Whew.  I'm so direction challenged.  The cost of parking though was crazy: $24 a day!  Ouch.

But when I went inside the Marriot and registered I received a really nice bag filled with BOOKS!  Two were YAs: EMBRACE and Meg Cabot's ABANDON.  Both I've read and both are amazing!

Then I went to the first panel BEYOND THE HERO'S JOURNEY with the author of GRAVE MERCY: Robin LaFever!

Loved this panel so much and ended up purchasing the one book they recommended: WOMEN THAT RUN WITH WOLVES on the woman's journey.

**Robin went over archetypes:

1. Orphan--example, Dorothy of Wizard of Oz and Bella in Twilight
2. Martyr- **Everyone's needs before their own at a cost.
3. Wanderer-Chocolat, and EAT, PRAY, LOVE
4. Warrior-Buffy, Xena

Another book I purchased was THE HERO WITHIN that goes over the six archetypes.

Then I went to the Hero's Journey with YA.

Fascinating take on using the hero's journey with YA.

Then I went to Tera Lynn Child's workshop on GOOD THINGS COME IN 3s--Series writing

Got some really good pointers

**Your first book will be the best one.  Sucessful trilogies have high stakes.

I had Tera sign a copy of SWEET VENOM which I will send to YA Books Central for a giveaway.

***Yes, I love to share!

I was so busy, I ate the snacks I packed plus went to the goodies room and was amazed at all the free swag/books!  I added my own CROSSED OUT and EARRINGS OF IXTUMEA bookmarkers to one of the many tables.

So many people were mingling in the hallways.  I heard there were 2000 attendees.  Crazy, huh?

At the same time I was at the Anaheim Marriott, son was finishing up his Lego Camp.

Son's the one in the green t-shirt looking at camera.  Husband was too late to take photo of what they did in camp.  It was pretty amazing some of the things these kiddos did.

Tomorrow will post what happened on Saturday!


Sounds like fun! I should really look into going sometime...
Jessie Harrell said…
I'm jealous. I've heard it was a great conference and they were very supportive of Indies.
Unknown said…
So envious too. I want to go to a conference so badly...sniffles
Kim Baccellia said…

Yes, they are very supportive of Indies especially my Southern Ca charter. As a matter of fact, my former writing mentor Louella Nelson has a student who is doing amazing with her self-pubbed romance. I've been very impressed.

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