Friday Five

1. Finished reading: 

This is a novel based on the MTV summer series TEEN WOLF.
What I really love about this novel has to be Scott's best friend Stiles.  Unlike some of the ADHD stereotypes and 'labels' out there, Stiles is smart, loyal, and helps Scott in all the problems that comes from being a werewolf.  

Kuddo to Nancy Holder!

My YA Books Central review:

2. Right now reading this:

First off, love the voice.  Garsee gives a very real portrayal of a bipolar teen.  I know as I grew up with a bipolar father.  Add an urban legend and a ghost.  You know I'm hooked.

YA Books Central Review coming soon!

3. Also reading this:

I picked up this galley  at ALA from Lee and Low.  Let's just say I'm really enjoying these multicultural short stories.  It's so nice to read tales based in worlds with different cultures.  So far one of my favorite ones is THE LAST DAY by Ellen Oh.  The story reminded me so much of the stories my uncles would share about their experiences during WW2.  My uncle Alden served in the Philippines and witnessed the mushroom after we bombed Japan.  Though the THE LAST DAY is based in a futuristic world, I couldn't help but think of what the Japanese must have gone through after we nuked them. The images and writing in THE LAST DAY are haunting.

YA BOOK CENTRAL review coming soon!

4. Will be part of a blog tour for this book next week:

5. Latest Buffy the Vampire Slayer comic book:

And finally, another YA anthology:

If you're a blogger, TWO AND TWENTY DARK TALES is available on Netgalley right now.  This is a collection of short stories based on Mother Goose rhymes with a dark twist.

**Guilty pleasure:

Plan to have hair cut/color tomorrow.  Going to another hair salon since MIL now goes to my former one every Saturday.  I want to go somewhere that is a little hipper.  Plus I think it's time for a change.
Not ready yet for short hair.  I want something to soften my round features.

More layers like this.

Or this:

Plus thinking I want to try a more brown/red color this time:

I know!  Choices, choices!


Nickie said…
The 'Two and Twenty' anthology you mentioned sounds cool. I'm a sucker for anything with fairy or folk tales. I'm going to check that out on NetGallery.

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Kim Baccellia said…
Thanks for commenting! I'll go over to your blog now!

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