Friday Five

1 A reminder:

I'll be at the Anaheim Central Library this Saturday from 1-4pm

2.  Love when the feedback I receive from my critique group is positive. My writing mentor wrote this on my pages:

Excellent job!

The scene I shared had been driving me crazy. It really felt good to know I might be back on the right track with this story!

3. Thank goodness for yoga. It's been helping me so much during all the craziness going on with our country and world right now.

4. Been going over Cybil's nominated books! You can still nominate your favorite book of this year!

5. Books I've read:

My YA Books Central Review:



Really loved the twist on the whole idea of what would you do if you found out your grandmother might have been on the wrong side of WW2? And what if in fact she had been in contact with the famous Anne Frank? This story had me on the edge of my seat.

**Guilty pleasure:

Need to work on my revision and get ready for the Indie Day event in Anaheim. Putting together some cute little swag bags to go with GODDESSES books.

In the meantime, will grab a Dunkin' Donuts drink:


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