Friday Five

1. Trying to get back into the swing of things since Mom's passing. I admit, it's been hard. Really hard. I miss how I could call Mom whenever I needed to talk to someone. She was there when I had to deal with my very difficult Mother-in-law. It really helped to know I had someone on my side whenever MIL would make her little passive-aggressive snips at me. Someone who saw the humor in situations that helped me not be so uptight. She also gave helpful advice when I found vaping stuff in teen's room.

Yeah, I miss her something fierce.

Work is moving fast on the sequel to Crossed Out. Mom really loved this book and I'm sad she'll miss reading it. I'm dedicating this book to her memory.

I wasn't able to attend younger brother's wedding as it happened on Labor Day but Mom's the one in the front with the purple shirt. She was always upbeat even when her diabetics tried to hold her back. She loved life and those around her.

2. Just got an email from publisher letting me know copy edits for Cross Fire are here. Deadline is September 6th.

3. Been reading up a storm. Trying to get to all the books I promised I'd review. Should be done with them in another couple weeks.

Here's some I've read and reviewed so far:

YA Books Central review:

Teaser: Bittersweet magical tale of loss and forgiveness mixed with humor. 


YA Books Central review:

Teaser: Intense, dark tale of a con that goes wrong. Fast-paced, mystery that will have readers guessing till the end.

YA Books Central review:

Teaser: Fast paced fun twist on A CHRISTMAS CAROL with a heroine who looks beyond herself in order to help someone else. A fun holiday read for those who love retellings of classics.

**Guilty Pleasure: Plan to grab another S'mores Iced Drink from Dunkin' Donuts.  This drink has to be my favorite! 


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