Friday Five

1. One reason why I really need to not just stay on social media too long is the prevalence of 'fake' news and 'alternative facts'.

In my case, I read of how ICE is rounding up anyone who fits the undocumented citizen profile down here in SoCal area.  There is in fact a post from a Ca Senate member who posted his concern on the rumors:

And the ACLU posted, in both English and Spanish, what to do if ICE does knock on your door:

How sad is it though that it's come to the point that you don't know what is 'real' or 'fake news'.

2. Excited to go to tomorrow's OCCRWA meeting!  Love going to this group's meetings!  There's a Valentine theme going on and I'll be donating a $25 Amazon gift card for the raffle!

3. Decided, after DeVos's confirmation that I will be more active on PTA board.  Just signed up to help out with an event.  I figure this way I can use my own educator expertise and stand up against any wrongs I see.  I will be active and vigilant.

Remember that is my theme for the next four years!

4. Excited to get a big box of books from YABC!

5. Went to a French themed church activity where they made Nutella crepes!  Love this part of research!  Not sure yet the exact date of the release of the sequel to NO MORE GODDESSES(most of it takes place in Paris) but will let you all know!

**Guilty pleasure:

Going out to breakfast with a couple friends.  Always nice to socialize and caught up on things!


Melodye said…
I think being active in PTO is a fantastic idea. You'll have much to say...the voice of experience and wisdom.
Kim Baccellia said…
In March I will helping out with troubled teens. I hope to be a voice out there!
good for you! Have been active in PTA since my oldest was in Kindergarten and I was the Finance Chair....we raised money to put in a new playground, and bought and planted trees in remembrance of two of our school children lost in a tragic car accident, and a beloved teacher the following year.

The more we participate in our society...the more we can affect the future.

Keep going. Proud of the difference you are making.
Kim Baccellia said…
Thanks, Pamela! I signed up to help with an event next month. I really think we need to step forward in this crazy time.

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