Friday Five

1. Great news!  I just found out that I'm on the YA Fiction panel of the Cybils this year!!

I've been wanting to be on this panel since FOREVER.  There's a lot of awesome YAs out this year.  Can't wait to start discussing titles with other Cybils panelists!

2. Almost done with final revisions on CANDLE!

3. Also got email with editor for the sequel to CROSSED OUT.  Should be getting a schedule soon!

4. Books I've read this week include:

This book has an intriguing premise that felt like the TV series JERICHO meets RED DAWN.  This is listed as a New Adult novel but I think it could very well be a crossover book. The book is pretty good but one thing pulled me out: the description of Mexican Americans which was at times stereotypical.  Some of the dialogue was cringe-worthy too.  I was curious if it was just me feeling this way on the dialogue, so I asked my Mexican national sister-in-law Angie her take.  She said that though it could be technically 'correct', no one spoke that way.

I thought this was sad because the novel is pretty good.  I almost wished the Mexican American element was taken out.

But that's just my opinion.

5.  Picked up a copy of ALL THE BRIGHT PLACES.

Been wanting to read this book and when it came out in paperback,  I ran out to buy it!

This is a YA contemporary that has FAULT IN THE STARS feels going for it.

**Guilty pleasure:

Love these chocolate covered blueberries:

This will be my treat for surviving the week and writing every day!


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