Friday Five

1. Working on copy edits for the sequel to NO MORE GODDESSES.  Over halfway through.  Lots of comments and feedback.

Yes, this one has more romance and is set in Paris!  That and the Greek Netherworld with another goddess of love.  This time it's Aphrodite.

2. Also having nineteen-year-old Katie Marciniak go over CANDLES for a final look through before I start querying it out.  My goal is to send this baby out this Fall.

Katie is amazing with her feedback and suggestions.  Her goal is to be an editor and maybe even an agent!

Her Twitter handle is: @MarciniakKatie

3. Sent over sequel to CROSSED OUT to editors.  This will continue the Rescuers saga of Stephanie and her friends in Sacramento.

4. Been reading too.

This book reminds me of my days as a bilingual teacher in South Whittier, Ca in the 90s. I taught a number of undocumented students. The fear of being deport rang true as I witnessed this with my students and their families during the English Only movement. A must read which shows the human side of immigration.

YA Books Central review coming soon!

5.  Another book I read that was amazing:

My YA Books Central review:


Fascinating glimpse into a world where 'Forgetting' comes every twelve years and the teen who refuses to stay passive on her search for the truth.

**Also have to give out kuddos to YA author Colleen Houck!  Loved hosting her Twitter chat yesterday.  I learned a lot including she has this amazing fan base in Brazil!

Her latest book deals with Egyptian mythology.  A fun twist!

**Guilty Pleasure:

Depending on teen, plan to go see NERVE with Emma Roberts.  Heard really good things about it!


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