Friday Five

1. Crazy, busy week.  **What else is new, right?

I think this calls for a cuteness alert.

Here's some Damon for you all:

2. Only 2 more weeks of school left!

This will be me when it's all over:

Hopefully son will rock public high school.  Crossing fingers that I'll get at least a year off from teaching him.  **Confession: I've taught up to 34 bilingual students with little if no help.  I've had classes with challenging students but I'd take those any day over teaching my own son.  It's hard.  Really hard as you have to put on two hats: teacher and parent.  Plus, it'll be so nice to concentrate on my writing again.

3. Just found a really recent 4 star rating of NO MORE GODDESSES up at Good Reads.

**Plus, publisher let me know that there is a NEW cover in the works!

I got some feedback from teen girls on the current cover, and looks like publisher is listening!


Even though I have to work online 20 hours for an educational firm, I still need time to read!

4. Finished reading this amazing Sci-Fi novel:

YA Books Central review:

Teaser: Intriguing world building which includes the end result of humans trying to occupy an alien world. Here humans are the hated ones. There's lots of vivid images of this red sand world that reminded me a lot of Dune. Beyond The Red also has the court intrigues and power plays.

Court intrigue, forbidden love, rebel attacks, and vivid world building. This story has something for everyone. I can't wait for the next book!

5.  Right now reading this:

Loving the voice of sixteen-year-old Tal who lives the life of a grifter of conning those around her.  

YA Books Central review coming soon!

**Guilty pleasure:

Plan to take an hour or so and go to local mall to pick up some vanilla scented hand cream from Origins.  Plus, grabbing an iced drink from Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.


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