
Showing posts from May, 2016

Friday Five

1. This week has been not as crazy though you can tell the school year is winding down.  Why?  Well, I had to bang on son's door not once but twice this week as he wouldn't get up.  This meant he almost missed his classes and I wasn't in the best mood. Plus, I'm over the whole homeschooling thing: Kuddos to those who can homeschool high schoolers.  I can't.  I used to think this made me a failure considering I am a credentialed teacher(K-8) but teaching your own kid is so much harder than other kids. This will be me the last day of school: 2. Have jury duty the end of June.  Hoping it won't be a conflict with RWA16 as I paid for the conference and really need to get away for a few days.  Need to call and see if I can push it off till the end of July. 3. Got this the other day from Penguin Teen.  So far it's really good!   4. This book is amazing.  My heart goes out to transgender teens/preteens and the ign...

Friday Five

1. Crazy, busy week.  **What else is new, right? I think this calls for a cuteness alert. Here's some Damon for you all: 2. Only 2 more weeks of school left! This will be me when it's all over: Hopefully son will rock public high school.  Crossing fingers that I'll get at least a year off from teaching him.  **Confession: I've taught up to 34 bilingual students with little if no help.  I've had classes with challenging students but I'd take those any day over teaching my own son.  It's hard.  Really hard as you have to put on two hats: teacher and parent.  Plus, it'll be so nice to concentrate on my writing again. 3. Just found a really recent 4 star rating of NO MORE GODDESSES up at Good Reads. **Plus, publisher let me know that there is a NEW cover in the works! I got some feedback from teen girls on the current cover, and looks like publisher is listening! Yay!!! Even though I have to work online 20 hours for an e...


1. Almost at the end of this revision! Tightening up some loose plot points.  Hoping to get this baby ready to query out next month! Have a list of 'dream' agents.  I feel I'm ready to move on from my previous not too great experiences.  Plus, since son is going back to public school this August?  I hope this opens up more time to not only peruse the more traditional publishing route but to finish up my more edgy YA and to dabble in a romantic novel. 2. Going to see my gynecologist today.  Send positive vibes my way!  Going to ask about using a more natural estrogen.  Plus, still worried about blood results and the whole more at risk for a heart attack/stoke. But good news?  Cigna FINALLY approved me going to see a dermatologist. I had a very strong impression not to get a chemical peel and see a specialist over a questionable spot on my nose.  Hopefully it's nada but I'm just happy that I can see a specialist and get another opini...

Friday Five

1. Well, went to doctor on Monday. First good news: The nodules on my remaining thyroid haven't grown. Now the not too good news: My cholesterol is 290.  The 'good' cholesterol is 43.  And my triglycerides are over 200 too. Le sigh. Doctor recommends Crestor to help but one side effect is elevating blood sugar.  Mom is a diabetic. Most family members on my Mexican side are diabetic. This is hard.  She also highly recommended going on an Atkins' like diet which is low carb.  So going back to that. Getting older does suck but the good news is I don't have to have surgery.  So I'll celebrate that. 2. Scoring right now.  This project goes until the end of June.  This money will help pay for RWA16 in July. 3. So because of the scoring gig, I've been behind on my writing.  The good news is the ending is in sight. Last week didn't get any writing in as it was California state testing and son's student center was closed. ...