Friday Five

Sorry, I didn't post last week but it was so crazy busy trying to get in those last words in my NaNoWrimo project.

And I did it!

Now need to return to my other diverse YA thriller. Going over feedback from awesome critique buddy which includes doing a round of line edits.  

I can do this!  Hoping this baby is ready to query next month!

1. Been doing TONS of Cybils reading.  There's a lot of great nominated books from this year!

Chilling, fast-paced ride where The Matrix meets Tron and where hackers end up in a computer generated prison with duplicates taking over their real lives.


Beautifully written tale of Death & Love & their 'game' between 2 possible lovers set in 1937. Totally devoured this book!


Chilling and fascinating tale where teens are given an underground gene therapy drug where the promises of being popular are foreshadowed by the deadly consequences.


Haunting dystopian tale where Twisted Creatures inhabit what's left of Earth.  This story is very unique as it blends fantasy, dystopia, and surrealism into a very satisfying tale.


Beautifully written twist on Little Red Riding Hood.

**Guilty Pleasure:

Since husband's birthday was yesterday?  We plan on celebrating tonight at Red Robin which has the BEST endless fries and Diet vanilla, cherry Coke.


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