Week 3 #Wipmadness

For this week I thought I'd touch on something from my online class this month.

What is one thing that has been stalling, holding you back from writing?

For me, it boiled down to one thing:


Fear that I will realize that maybe I'm not as talented as I thought

Fear that I'll never sign with an agent or get that traditional book deal

Some days I feel I suffer from a bad case of do-i-suck-a-phobia with my writing:

 Photo Courtesy of: MySweetDelirium.com

I usually don't watch award shows but something Gina Rodriguez of JANE THE VIRGIN TV show really struck a cord with me. She told viewers if she could do it, than anyone could.  She remembered what her father told her:

Also she started changing her thinking from instead of 'why not?'-- to 'why not me?"


What really spoke to me  is how she said it might not happen right now, or a month, or even ten years from now. But it will come and when it does? It'll be so worth it!

Step by step.  That's been my path in this publishing biz.  Here I am receiving another rose last month from my local RWA for signing another contract:

Remember I'm cheering all of you on!


Denise Jaden said…
You're so inspirational, Kim! I'm so glad to hear you have gotten some inspiration for yourself as well. Unfortunately the thing that's been holding me back from writing is my constant habit of putting myself last. And it seems to be getting worse. Sigh. I did get a little writing done on one day this week, so I suppose that is something. I'm so much happier and peaceful when I write. I know that. And yet, I don't seem to make the time.
Kim Baccellia said…

I only know too well the whole 'mom' thing. Or how some expect us to drop everything and take care of others around us. It's hard. One thing I learned from my mother was when I was 17. Her BFF Dee told her, "Carolyn, you have to make time for yourself because no one else will do it for you." That was huge for me. My mother always did things for everyone else and never took time for herself until then. Not saying it's easy, but I do try to find time for me even if it's going to the coffee house for an hour or so. I still have people like an in-law telling me how selfish that is but you know what? I don't care because it's important for women to take time for themselves.

Cyber hugs to you! And thanks so much for dropping by and commenting!
Carol Garvin said…
I'm slowly creeping out of the wings and back into circulation. I was given a new laptop for Christmas and I'm still on a bit of a learning curve with it. Just put Tweetdeck on it today and discovered your post. Thanks for hosting again.

"Suck-a-phobia" frequently hounds me, but since I enjoy writing, I do it anyway. LOL.

I recently finished a two-year church history project that didn't require a lot of creativity, but now I'm faced with two projects that I'd like to work on simultaneously...the editing/publishing of a set of old sermons, and the writing/completion of my own WIP. I don't normally manage to work on more than one thing at a time, so am hoping a fiction/non-fiction switcharoo will work for me.
I LOVE this post. Yes, fear is lurking constantly, especially with this project. I am diving in to what is for me uncharted waters and that also means giving up some control over what the final product looks like.

I'm still researching, getting a feel for this new format, and constantly taking notes in my head (and sometimes on paper) about what needs to change in the story. I think this will help me tell my story even better and I'm excited and terrified all at once.

This one is so personal. I just hope I can do it justice.

Kim Baccellia said…
Hi, Carol! Glad you could stop by!

Ooh, your church history project intrigues me. My family has done some too with one ancestor, my great-great something grandfather, who was friends with Joseph Smith and later Brigham Young. He wrote a journal about this time which is very fascinating.

Know all about more than one project. Sending some writing fairy dust your way!

Remember: Si, Se Puede: Yes, you can!

Kim Baccellia said…
Mary Ann,

I totally know all about fear. I'm taking this online class that is helping me see the reason behind my stalling with projects. We found it boils down to fear: fear that I'm not good enough, that my write sucks big time, and a number of other issues. Now that I kind of know the reason, now I can be more proactive.

**Hoping this will work as I cross out yet another huge part of this revision.

You can do it! I'm sending you some fairy writing dust too! Remember, I'm cheering for you!

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