Friday Five

1.  Hard to get back into the swing of things after last week's break but in order to finish a book, I got to actually write!

Please, so nice to be DONE with family drama for a little while.

2. Cybil's books this week:

This one was just nominated as a Morris Finalist and I can see why.

Love the surreal feel to this story of a teen born with wings.  The writing is magical and I'm totally falling under it's spell.

3. Another Morris Finalist:

I met the publicist of this publisher at Kidlitcon and told her I'd love to read/review this book.

Love the voice of Gabi and totally can relate with her challenges including the whole 'not Latina' enough based on the stereotypical view the world has of us.

Must reads!

4.  Am I the only one disappointed with the midseason finale of SLEEPY HOLLOW?

Photo courtesy of

I'm a huge fan of this alternative history show.  Plus, I love the diversity.

What I didn't buy was how it ended.  I didn't buy it and felt it was manipulative and rushed.

Any thoughts?

5. Totally loving THE 100

Photo courtesy of

This Lord of the Flies meets Sci-fi/dystopia world is gritty and graphic at times but the story line has me hooked.

Plus, one of the writers, Kira Snyder, is one of my favorites!

**Also can't wait to read this, after the Cybils:

**Guilty pleasure:

Still have a 'free' Starbuck drink.  I have one of their gold cards which is so worth it.  After 12 drinks, you earn a free one.

After a Costco run, thinking I'll grab my favorite seasonal one:

**Peppermint mocha without the whip cream.



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