Friday Five

1. Week started out really awlful.  Had a 504 meeting with middle school counselor(a sub as the other one is on maternity leave).  Once again I tried to get them to give son some extra help for his learning disability.  But they told me(again) that he doesn't have one as it's not bad enough.  Then they dropped a big whammy on me.  "If son is wanting to go to tradition high school, he needs to go next year."  Uh, what?

See, we had decided to wait till tenth grade and work more on being responsible and all. His ES then told me she agreed with this counselor, who is a sub and not that old.  I was shocked and then very angry. To make matters worse, they pressured me right there to make the decision.


2. Add to that, my ear ached enough that I had to stop a few times on my usual power walk.  Not good.  Went to doctor and found out I have static liquid behind my ear and with allergies/cold, it can cause one mother of an ear ache.


Right now trying to take it easy and I'm on meds.

Because didn't you all know:  Moms can't get sick.


3. Today I'm supposed to be going to Olvera Street in Los Angles with son's Spanish class.  Here's hoping my ear feels better enough to go.

4.  Been reading AMITY

Yes, this book is take on the whole Amity horror story.  This one though goes back and forth in time with two different families and what happened with them.

Creepy, good!

5. I know, I told myself I'd wait till after the Cybils to read this story but I couldn't wait!

OMG, book two is just as good as the first one!

Love bad demon boy Roth and Layla's struggles to deal with being half demon and her attraction to Roth are...


**Guilty pleasure:

Hope to go with son to Olvera Street in LA for the day and have lunch at one of the authentic restaurants there.  If I go, I'll share photos!


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